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The Medical Cannabis industry has seen a lot of traction in recent years. More and more states are moving toward legalization and the US Federal Government is looking into reclassification as America’s view on legalizing cannabis has shifted.

However, there is still a common stigma that having a cannabis dispensary in a neighborhood will have negative effects on that community. Some misconceptions are that kids will have access to cannabis, crime rates will increase, and that overall value of their neighborhoods will decrease. 

Contrary to those beliefs, this line of thinking dismisses the fact that many cannabis dispensaries are locally owned operations. In fact, people in the cannabis industry are members who enjoy giving back to their community and are invested in its success. 

As as a result, this creates an opportunity for businesses to interact and make an impact on their local community.

Some of these benefits include:

  • Brand recognition through memorable experiences. 
  • A chance to network and connect with local businesses. 
  • The opportunity to give back and make a difference in the community.

A cannabis business that participates in community events doesn’t receive an immediate monetary benefit for the business.

Due to the federal status of Cannabis, there aren’t even any tax benefits for participation. However, in many states, giving back to the community isn’t just good business, it may be needed to start the business.

Humble Root, a delivery dispensary based in Sacramento, California understands the value investing in their local community.

There are many things a cannabis company can do to give back to their communities. These can range from volunteering time for events and projects to collecting food and necessities for the most vulnerable members of their communities.

Here are some examples of how Humble Root Co in Sacramento, California gives back to their community.


Stamping Out Hunger

Sharing more than just a meal 

In August, they teamed up with Sacramento Council Member Allen Wayne Warren, and local restaurants such as CO DO 2, to help Loaves & Fishes, a local homeless shelter, fight homelessness and hunger.

North Sacramento has experienced more food desert pockets. Residents have to leave their neighborhoods to find full-service grocery stores leaving restaurants and community members to rely on each other for survival.

Thanks to the partnership with Councilman Warren, Humble Root was able to volunteer to distribute a thousand free meals from local restaurants who were looking to increase the foot traffic in their businesses. 

In light of COVID-19, Sacramento’s most vulnerable community members are at even higher risk of infection. Thanks to Council member Allen Wayne Warren, they were able to provide guests with travel-sized hygiene kits that included, toiletries, hand sanitizer, heat-reflecting ponchos, and masks.

The Sacramento based delivery dispensary also donated hundreds of feminine hygiene products for all of the women experiencing homelessness in support of Power To The Period.


Promoting Women’s Empowerment

Pineapple Fam September 2020

Early this fall they hosted a donation drive for the local non-profit organization, Women’s Empowerment.

This essential organization “educates and empowers women who are experiencing homelessness with the skills and confidence necessary to get a job, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and regain a home for themselves and their children.” 

With COVID taking away so many jobs, it has made this fight even harder for these immensely strong women. With the help of the community, Humble Root was able to pay it forward by collecting hundreds of donated items valuing over $1,000.

Donations included:

  1. 200+ Boxes of Crayons/Colored Pencils/Markers
  2. 200+ Planners
  3. 100+ Reusable Water Bottles
  4. 100+ Small Bottles of Laundry Detergent
  5. 100+ Hand Sanitizers
  6. 100+ Hand Soaps
  7. 100+ Subject Dividers
  8. 50+ Travel-Size Shampoos/Body Washes
  9. 50+ Sunscreens
  10. 10+ Backpacks
  11. Gift Cards
  12. A pallet of water
  13. & Assortments of Healthy Non-Perishable Snacks

“We are so proud of the love and support of our community members,” said Diana Huynh, the outreach coordinator for Humble Root. “We couldn’t have done this without our friends, Astante Fresh Express, who provided the community with a space to come together and be the change we wish to see.”


Teaming Up With Local Organizations

Humbleroot_local_community_outreach_2021Joining forces in January 2021

Their latest event, early this year was a heartwarming success. The Pineapple Family was honored with the chance to team up with local organization the Neighborhood Program in Sacramento, CA. 

As a result, their efforts allowed them to  serve 300 unhoused community members across various encampments in their local community with food, courtesy of @findoutfarms, hygiene kits, courtesy of @sacramentostreetems, and sleeping bags courtesy of Phillip Chau.

It’s extremely rewarding to see what can happen when local business and organizations work together. Most importantly, it showcases the benefits of investing in the local community.

When businesses take the time to work on issues surrounding their neighborhood, word gets around.  Therefore, causing a ripple effect for others to take action.



Breaking The Stigma With Community Impact


In conclusion, the impact a cannabis dispensary can have on a community can be tremendous. When a business like Humble Root gives back to the community they help to break down the stigmas that surround cannabis while growing their businesses and setting an example for other businesses to follow suit. 

This creates a powerful statement and ignites a social obligation for the cannabis industry as a whole to help their local communities thrive.

When people see cannabis dispensaries at local events, they see that they are members and part of the community. They see what they are capable of and that they care about what goes on in our neighborhoods. 

Humble Root has a mission to lead in their community. They “strive to cultivate an environment that promotes safety and enjoyment for everyone in the cannabis industry.”

By working with local politicians, businesses, and charities, they demonstrate the positive power a cannabis dispensary can have on their communities.